Slow down, breathe easy, make a poem of your life. Don't let life rush by; reflect. Look for beauty and rejuvenate your soul.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Someone in the silence

Part of the prose of modern life is waiting for a sometimes inexplicably slow internet connection. Part of the poetry is the encounter with someone you would never have the chance to meet in the "real" world.
Once in a while that can make all the difference, especially to a lonely day. Not only have I had that joy this week, but from the encounter sprang forth a poem. Double joy! So thank you, Laura.

 In The Silence

In the silence
I threw my voice wide to see
What the echo would bring.
Knocking me sideways
It brought you
A spirit-twin
I had missed my whole life
Because I feared the sound of my voice
In the silence

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