Slow down, breathe easy, make a poem of your life. Don't let life rush by; reflect. Look for beauty and rejuvenate your soul.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Flying Free

Flying free would be such a glorious sensation! Feeling the air currents lift us, seeing the earth below nolonger constraining us with vast distances we cannot cover.
Much of my poetry over the years comes back to this theme of flying. There must be something deep in me that longs to soar, that doesn't fear heights, or speed, but revels in freedom. There must be something in me that strains to be rid of constraint.

But I always also tend to write about relationship because it is our dealings with one another that connect us, that give us joy or sadness, purpose or pain. Creativity and Relationship, in my opinion, are the key things that set us apart from the animals. (And memories, reasoning, planning, imagination...)
But I feel myself digressing onto another topic, so lets's pull back...

My poetry is most frequently about relationship and flying is a theme I keep coming back to. The combination of these two more often than not reveal a desire to escape, to leave relationships behind and be free.
Ironically this is not something I am quick to advocate. In my life I tend to do the exact opposite: constrain myself within the bounds of a relationship.Yet my poetry keeps pushing the theme. Plenty here for the psychologists out there I'm sure, so before you or I get too analytical and start uncovering my secrets how about I just share the latest poem with you...

Flying Free

Raise your eye to the sky
And see me there, winging where
The clouds pass by.

Know I have escaped your heart
And watch as I race free,
Against falcon, goshawk, eagle, kite.

Do not call for me. The wind
Flutes your voice into a song
That no more sings for me.



  1. i like to read tou, and to feel free!

  2. That's lovely. I often feel connected to birds myself. In particular, swans, crows, and hawks seem filled with potent meaning. Do you find you're drawn to particular birds or is the flying imagery more important to you?

  3. I especially love this stanza of your poem:

    Know I have escaped your heart
    And watch as I race free,
    Against falcon, goshawk, eagle, kite.

    Beautiful words... so grateful I found you today via CED2011...

    Read my CED2011 check in here...

  4. Hi Louise,

    Thanks for your visit! I love the last stanza of this poem especially, so beautifully worded!

  5. For me it's the experience of flying. I envy the birds...
