Slow down, breathe easy, make a poem of your life. Don't let life rush by; reflect. Look for beauty and rejuvenate your soul.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Yellow Leaves - AEDM days 3 & 4

I didn't manage to post yesterday - crisis time at home kept me away from the computer - but I did carve out a little time for a quick painting inspired by the gorgeous trees at the top of my road.

Trees were the only thing I could paint when I was at school, but I'm afraid I'm well out of practice now, especially when squeezed amidst a crisis.
Today I'm working on my bigger art project for Willowing which I'm hoping to maybe finish tomorrow and then show you...
So today comes my first little droplet poem on the same autumn theme:

Yellow Leaves

Hidden wind chimes sing accompaniment
To the leaves that fall in yellow
Showers from the beeches at the roadside.

If they're short enough I'll tweet my droplet poems too. (Link to my twitter page at the bottom of this blog). X


  1. A little arts & crafts a day, keeps the winter blues away... Thank you for popping into my blog... the girls in the office say hi. Keep up the good work

  2. Hi there! What lovely colours you have painted and your droplet poem is soooooo sweet and wonderful! Really love it! :)
    Thankyou for stopping by my blog :)Hope you managed to escape the "nelly the elephant" repetition!! :D
